Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Tiller Family

Meet the Tiller Family. We shot this amazing family at the Southwest School of Art & Craft back in December. Yes, we know..we need to be better about blogging. 

The best part about this session is that they were up for anything! We hope you guys enjoy the pictures.. It was so much fun for us to be a part of your family for a day...

Friday, January 11, 2008

10 weeks!

We put Caroline through a mini photoshoot yesterday on her 10 week birthday. I can't believe how fast she is growing. Every single day is full of new favorite being her new desire to sleep longer at night. She is sleeping like a rock star...7 hour stretches and then another 3 or 4. Would you believe I have to waker her up most mornings?!?!

Being up for about 45 minutes each night still takes it out of me, but I will count my blessings!!

This little chick looks just like her daddy. Most of you have never seen my husband, but take my word for this one ;) One day I will have to post a picture of him. Oh, and props to Lindsey Brittain for the hoodie idea!

Hope you enjoy this sweet little face as much as I do.